Friday, May 29, 2009

My First Week in Washington

Things are going well. I've been doing a variety of things at my internship. After settling in I've mostly been helping with IT work and doing research on cybersecurity. I did some editing for this piece, and have written a commentary on the Cybersecurity Act of 2009 (S. 773). Where my piece will end up is uncertain at the moment. I'll post with more info on it once it's found a good home.

I visited Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day. I started writing about it that evening, and I'm about halfway through what will be my longest blog post to date by a wide margin. Look forward to pictures.

Also, I found out today that the next G20 summit will be in Pittsburgh about a month after I get back. The activist in me has his thinking hat on.

In any case, that's all for now. It's been an eventful week and I need to hit the sack.

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